Animal Heroes Lottery


Animal Protection Line


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*Must be 18 years or older and in Alberta to buy tickets

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New Year's 50/50 Jackpot

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*Winner takes half

Our 50/50 Tickets Packages

20 for $100

8 for $50

3 for $20 

1 for $10

New Year's 50/50 Raffle Key Dates

Ticket Sales Deadline - Dec 24, 2022

Raffle Draw - Dec 31, 2022


Pulling an allnighter to save chicks

It was a Friday evening this summer when our on-call Peace Officer received a call that abandoned chicks had been found in a box in a back alley. To make matters worse, it had been raining all day and the days-old chicks were cold and wet.

The Peace Officer immediately jumped into her truck for the one-hour drive to the community. She stopped along the way to pick up supplies for the chicks. When Peace Officer Stevenson arrived, she expected to find a couple dozen birds. Instead she found over 100!

Peace Officer Stevenson gathered up the chicks into totes and loaded them into her truck. She had called a vet and knew the first course of action was to get warmth onto them, so she blasted the heat in the truck for the entire drive back to her house. She could hear the chicks starting to chirp. The heat was working!

The next day, Peace Officer Stevenson called a caretaker so the animals could be placed in a more suitable location for their ongoing recovery. Unfortunately, some of the chicks did not make it, but the majority did survive. And within a couple of week, they had doubled in size.

Calls come in at all times of the day, and if the call is urgent, our Peace Officers pack up and head out to ensure the animals in question are helped, and their distress is relieved as quickly as possible.

Once home, Peace Officer Stevenson dried each chick and separated the weak chicks from the stronger ones. She put egg cartons and feed into the totes to help keep the chicks apart. However, their natural inclination was to pile onto each other for warm. Peace Officer Stevenson ended up staying awake most of the night so she could continually separate the birds and prevent them from smothering each other.

Imagine Jasper and Mags sitting at the end of the driveway, watching as their beloved owner was driven away to the hospital. You might be thinking this is a story about how Jasper, a handsome retriever mix, and the lovely collie cross Mags, were left to totally fend for themselves. But they weren’t… at least not at first.

You see, Jasper and Mags’ owner had reached out to someone to check in on and feed the dogs, along with the little tabby cat, Whiskers, living inside the home. But the days stretched into weeks. And the weeks stretched into months. And, as the pets waited patiently at home, their owner remained in hospital.

The person caring for the pets came less and less often. The days were getting shorter, and the weather was getting colder. The dogs huddled together in an open, uninsulated garage and tried to keep warm. They started to lose weight.

You can only imagine how anxious the dogs must have felt as their meals came fewer and farther between.

As our Peace Officer soon learned, the person who had agreed to care for the pets had not anticipated the owner’s hospital stay to extend to months. The caretaker had tried their best despite experiencing hardship of their own, but found themselves overwhelmed. It seemed very uncertain when the owner may return home, if ever… and Jasper, Mags and Whiskers would not survive without help.

Thankfully, with some gentle persuasion, the owner came to realize surrendering all three pets to the Alberta SPCA would be in the animals’ best interest, since it wasn’t clear when, or even if, the owner might return home. Jasper, Mags and Whiskers received a thorough exam at a veterinary clinic and were transferred to partner agencies for adoption, with the hope they would
quickly find families and once again receive the love and care they deserved.

Jasper, Mags and Whiskers are all thriving in new homes today, thanks to your support of Alberta SPCA Cash Lotteries and Raffles. But we know there will be more animals in distress across Alberta, and your purchase of tickets will ensure they too receive help just like Jasper, Mags and Whiskers.

Jasper, Mags & Whiskers

Thank goodness, right around when things were starting to look really bleak, someone noticed the dogs were looking thin and seemed to be very much alone so they called the Alberta SPCA Animal Protection Services to check on the dogs’ welfare.

When our Peace Officer arrived at the residence, Jasper’s tail was wagging so hard and his doggy grin was a mile-wide. Mags hung back, a bit uncertain, ducking away whenever our Peace Officer tried to approach her. Our Peace Officer could clearly feel Jasper’s ribs and see him shaking in the cold wind. The garage alone would not be enough to protect these dogs from the fierce cold as winter was closing in.

Alberta SPCA 50/50 Raffles support our Animal Protection, Education and One Family Welfare departments.

50/50 Raffle Winners

New Year's 2022 50/50 Raffle

Draw DateNameCity/TownTicketPrize Amount
Dec 31, 2022

Christmas 2022 50/50 Raffle

Draw DateNameCity/TownTicketPrize Amount
Dec 16, 2022
S. ShmyrFairviewD-42917$130,500

Summer 2022 50/50 Raffle

Draw DateNameCity/TownTicketPrize Amount
Sept 16, 2022
L. GrahnHay LakesD-11789 $106,820

June 2022 50/50 Raffle

Draw DateNameCity/TownTicketPrize Amount
June 24, 2022
M. RuzyckiSherwood ParkC-34876 $100,995
Animal Protection Line