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Animal Protection Line


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Donor Profiles

The Alberta SPCA is very fortunate to have many dedicated, long-time supporters who are passionate about helping animals. We want to honour these people who are an inspiration and help us to promote awareness and kindness to animals.

Featured Donor

Tower Road Equine gave us a generous donation a large framed print signed by members of the association in thanks for helping rescue five horses from a plot of land near Fort McMurray, Alberta.

The Earth Club at the Madonna Catholic School in Sherwood Park meets weekly and includes many Alberta SPCA education activities in its program: the AnimalTales book program, the Circle of Compassion poster and the Class Action Service project.

Madonna Catholic School Earth Club

Madonna Catholic School’s Earth Club consists of a group of very motivated students who care deeply about the earth and the creatures who live on it. Growing every year in members, students learn about different issues affecting the planet and do their part to help. They are just one group of students in one Alberta school but they are making a huge difference.

These are just a sample of projects the Earth Club did in a year

  • Rice Crispy bake sale to raise money for help domestic animals.
  • ‘Adopted’ 16-20 animals through the World Wildlife Fund to raise money to help wildlife.
  • Reminded students (and teachers) to participate in Earth Hour.
  • wrote letters to the environment minster about the underfunded Grizzly Bear Recovery Program. After their letter writing campaign, the program received a budget boost!

We are so grateful for you contributions!

Gwen Dambrofsky

Gwen has been an active volunteer at the Alberta SPCA since 1989. Our agency is very grateful for all of Gwen’s help, but having her in the office also means we get to cuddle and coo over her dog, Finnigan, who was rescued from New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.

Gina Friedrich

Ten-year-old Gina Friedrich has always loved horses, so for her birthday it was a natural fit to have a horse-themed birthday party. She also wanted to raise money for the Alberta SPCA Horse Response Fund, so each of her guests brought a loonie or toonie to contribute to Gina’s efforts.

Julie Bowen

Julie scored huge points during our first Animal Lovers Photo Contest. She spread the word far and wide about our online calendar contest and won a great Canon camera for her efforts.

Animal Protection Line