Animals are staying in our care longer… but support from friends like you ensure these animals receive the love and care they deserve, no matter how long they’re with us!
When our Peace Officer Danny arrived on scene to investigate a complaint of animal neglect, he wasn’t sure what he’d discover – and that’s pretty common. Our officers walk into all kinds of situations with only one goal in mind, to ensure the welfare of the animals in our province.
And we know you share our passion for the care of Alberta’s animals.
When Officer Danny arrived at the home, he met a fellow with a dog in a sad situation. Neighbours in the community had been concerned about the dog for a while, before calling the Alberta SPCA to take action. Thankfully, the dog’s owner realized he couldn’t make the situation better, so he surrendered him to us.
Your gift is truly appreciated
The dog, who we named Foster, was a little aggressive, mainly due to his own fear. However, once Officer Danny removed Foster from the situation, he found Foster to be very sweet and gentle. He was just looking for care and love.
However, Foster didn’t have a happy ending just yet…
We are deeply grateful to you, our donors – for your kindness and generosity. Because you believe in animal welfare, we are able to remove animals from bad situations and place them into loving and safe ones. And we are able to provide caretaking plus important, life-saving veterinary care to animals like Foster.

And that’s why we are asking for your support today. Your ongoing donations go a long way in helping ensure we can care for animals like Foster for as long as necessary.
Because of the pressure on the animal welfare system, animals stay in our care much longer than in the past.
You see, space in shelters is at a premium. This means we often rely on private boarding facilities to care for our animals until we can get them into a shelter, or find a foster family through one of our partners.
It also means the cost of care for the Alberta SPCA is increasing.
The Husky-cross didn’t do well in the confines of the boarding facility. He was bullied by other dogs, and just didn’t thrive. The stress of the situation caused him to eat some of his bedding. We rushed poor Foster to a veterinary clinic for emergency surgery.
We want you to know, gifts like yours allow us to take immediate action when animals need critical medical care.
Once Foster was moved to a smaller facility, he became a new dog, happily eating his food and loving his caretakers.
But what Foster really needed was what his name implies, a foster family to show him humans can be caring and loving. We know you feel the same way, that every animal deserves to be safe and loved.

We want you to know, gifts like yours make a world of difference for animals in distress. Thank you for giving to ensure animals like Foster receive every opportunity to find a loving family, free from stress and distress.
And we hope you’ll give generously today and share your love and passion with the animals.
The animals of Alberta very much appreciate it.
And, so do we!