Animal Heroes Lottery


Animal Protection Line


Animal Protection


Access Programs

Fleeing Family Violence?

If you are a pet owner that is fleeing an abusive home situation and is concerned about leaving pet(s) behind please contact us.

The Pet Safekeeping Program currently operates in all geographical areas in the province of Alberta.

  • Services available 365 days a year
  • 24-hour emergency crisis phone number
  • Confidential and inclusive support

In Crisis?

The Crisis Care Program provides reprieve to pet owners dealing with a life-changing event that impedes on their ability to care for their companion animal(s). 

The Crisis Care Program currently operates in all geographical areas in the province of Alberta.

  • Services available 365 days a year
  • 24-hour emergency crisis phone number
  • Confidential and inclusive support

Safety Planning With Pets

Escaping abuse is complicated.  It is important to have a personalized safety plan to keep you and those you love (pets included) safe.

Have a safety plan BEFORE you leave the abusive situation.

We have provided a template of what a Safety Plan includes below:

The most dangerous time in an abusive relationship is when you decide to leave the relationship.

Have a safety plan AFTER you leave the abusive situation.

We have provided a template of what a Safety Plan includes below:

Red Flags Of Family Violence

Family violence can take many forms of abuse including physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse.  Family Violence also occurs within various types of relationships and includes intimate partner violence, child abuse and neglect, elder abuse, violence based on so-called “honour” and forced marriage.

Deliberate cruelty to animals is a form of violence as well. Besides being harmful to a living creature capable of suffering and feeling pain, intentional animal cruelty can be one of the earliest and most dramatic predictors that an individual is developing a pattern of seeking power and control by inflicting suffering on others.

This is not an exhaustive list but some common warning signs of an abusive personality includes:

Human Abuse

  • Threatening, belittling, bullying
  • Controlling finances
  • Explosive temper
  • Jealousy and possessiveness
  • Withholding medication or medical supports
  • Controlling communication and social media activity
  • Dictating what a person can and cannot do
  • Controlling physical appearance
  • Forcing sexual touching, intercourse, or other sexual activity

Animal Abuse

  • Violence towards an animal (punching, kicking, choking)
  • Evidence of multiple or repeated injuries
  • Unusual explanation for injuries
  • No explanation for injuries
  • No concern over injuries and withholding treatment
  • Yelling at and threatening to harm or hurt or kill an animal
  • Excessive use of correctional tools (shock or prong collar)

Report an Animal
in Distress


What Happens when you Call?

When you call our Animal Protection Line 1-800-455-9003 we open up a file similar to a police investigation. In order to do so, we need timely, first-hand details to proceed.

What Should you Expect

We open up a file similar to a police investigation. In order to do so, we need timely, first-hand details to proceed. When calling, we will ask for a few simple questions.

When Do We Seize Animals

Alberta SPCA Peace Officers sometimes need to take animals into protective custody. When they do so, the officers will post a notice at the former location of the animals stating the reason for the seizure.

Investigating Neglect & Abuse

Our Peace Officers investigate every complaint we receive. We can only investigate if we have reasonable and probable grounds to believe there may have been an offence under the Animal Protection Act.

Animal Protection Line