Animal Heroes Lottery


Animal Protection Line


Pet Safekeeping



Another Closet: LGBTQ Domestic & Family Violence.

Barriers to Help Seeking for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic Violence and LGBTQ Relationships – National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Abuse-Among LGBT People.

 Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ Communities.

Needs and Gaps in Services of Edmonton’s LGBTQ Population.

Relationship Violence in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Communications.

Types of Abuse, Power and Control in LGBTQ Relationships.

How to
Get Help

Pet Safekeeping Program

If you are a pet owner fleeing an abusive home situation and you are concerned about leaving pets behind, or if you face a crisis situation preventing you from caring for your pets, please contact us.

Referrals & Resources

Family violence can take many forms including physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse.

Partner With Us

Find information for shelters and animal welfare organizations.

Animal Protection Line