Animal Heroes Lottery


Animal Protection Line


Pet Safekeeping


Confidential Support

Our organization takes a client-centered approach to providing service to our clients while maintaining confidentiality. Confidentiality is key to protecting the safety of the people and pets who access our programs. Pets who come into our programs are under the temporary care of the Alberta SPCA and owner information is not shared with any agency partner who is providing care for the pets. 

Furthermore while pets in our care will receive veterinary treatment, the treatment will be accessed under the Alberta SPCA and any certificates or medical information they receive while with us will not have owner information listed to protect the identity and confidentiality of our clients.

Any conversation our clients or other organizations have with us regarding clients are confidential. While supporting clients if they raise any concerns or additional needs that our organization cannot assist with, we are able to reach out to other service providers and advocate on their behalf with permission. Advocating or discussing client’s information is only ever done with the client’s permission and the clients have the right to state which information they want disclosed. 

All client stories are shared in an ethical manner that upholds confidentiality, actual names and identifying details of clients and their pets are only shared with written permission and all information is reviewed and edited for safety prior to being released.

How to
Get Help

Pet Safekeeping Program

If you are a pet owner fleeing an abusive home situation and you are concerned about leaving pets behind, or if you face a crisis situation preventing you from caring for your pets, please contact us.

Referrals & Resources

Family violence can take many forms including physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse.

Partner With Us

Find information for shelters and animal welfare organizations.

Animal Protection Line