Our Pet Safekeeping Program offer care for animals while their owner enters a safe shelter to flee a domestic abuse situation, or are dealing with other crisis situations such as urgent medical care, homelessness and addictions. When pet owners are ready to welcome their animals back home, we provide them with a pet starter kit since many family abuse survivors, as well as those in crisis situations, end up leaving their predicament with few possessions. We are always in need of supplies for companion pets. Here is a list of the most commonly needed items.

Most Commonly Needed Items
- Food
- Treats
- Blankets/Beds
- Collars
- Leashes
- Kennels
- Water & food dishes
- Toys
- Food
- Treats
- Blankets/Beds
- Litter
- Collars
- Water & food dishes
- Toys
You can make a donations to the Alberta SPCA's Pet Safekeeping Program by emailing info@albertaspca.org or by calling 780-447-3600 ext. 3750