Kindness Challenge accepted!
Each December our Education Department challenges teachers and students to show kindness through our Kindness Challenge. Kindness is contagious and we want to help make the world a better, kinder place for animals, people and the environment.
Our staff, and their pets, took part in the Kindness Challenge this December and we want to share our experiences in hopes that it inspires others. Small acts of Kindness can have a big impact!
Day 1 - Make a Difference
For the holidays, the staff at the Alberta SPCA decided to support E4C, a charity dedicated to ending poverty and changing lives. Louis (above) and Don (taking the photo) started us off with some donations for the cause.
Day 2 - Connect
Animals love to connect! It’s a little harder this year, but our pets were happy to help their people connect, with technology and with paper.
Day 3 - Reduce Waste
On day 3, we all made an effort to reduce our waste. Being kind to the environment is one of the best steps you can take and ensures you’re being kind to people and animals for years to come.
Day 4 - Wildlife Conservation
Louis and Don took time to learn about Alberta’s grizzly bears, a threatened species. The pair are sure to be bear aware when they hike in the mountains to ensure they do not disturb the grizzly’s important habitat.
Day 5 - Get Outside
This was an easy one for the Alberta SPCA dogs. Titan (left), and Nina (right) love their winter walks. By enjoying the environment, we learn to respect it as well.
Day 6 - Family Time
Connecting with our extended families is challenging these days, but Don and Louis took the time to call Don’s mom while enjoying nature.
Day 7 - Mindfullness
We all need to take care of our minds and souls. By recharging, we are better able to take care of our pets, families and work/school tasks. Don went for a walk without Louis to recharge. Louis did not understand this challenge!
Day 8 - Play With Pets
Play is an important part of an animal’s life, for their physical needs as well as their mental well-being. Our pets were happy to help with this challenge.
Day 9 - Caring Communitiy
Louis took the time to write a thank you note to his veterinarian. OK, Louis doesn’t really like the vet, but Don wanted to make sure his vet was appreciated despite any signals Louis sends to the contrary.
Day 10 - Natural Habitat
Louis and Don took the time to learn about the trees native to Alberta’s habitat. Don used his eyes to identify the trees, Louis used his nose.
Day 11 - Five Freedoms
As you might expect, the five freedoms was the most popular challenge for the animals of the Alberta SPCA.
All of our animals get to enjoy the ability to exhibit natural behaviours.
For all of the cats, Mac included, this means the ability to curl up in a safe place for a nap.
For Bella (left), she gets to climb up on a perch, a favourite for cats.
For Luke, this means the safety of a confined space. Luke has never met a box he didn’t like.
Day 12 - Animal Appreciation
For animal appreciation, Louis received extra scratches.
Henry (top) was give a warm place to sleep. Henry was a friendly but cold stray so a staff member ensured he got to a safe place where he could be adopted by a loving family before Christmas.
Day 13 - Move Your Body
Exercise is important for all of us, including our animals. These characters helped with some Christmas wrapping!
Day 14 - Disconnect
Well, we disconnected so no pictures to show here.
Day 15 - Clean Up
Don and Louis took the time to do a little neighbourhood clean up while out for a walk. Louis locates the trash and Don collects it.
Day 16 - Random Acts of Kindness
Randon kindness is the best kind. Louis and Don left a rock with a nice message on a public bench, hoping it might brighten someone’s day.
Day 17 - Make Your Contribution
As we mentioned on Day 1 of the Kindness Challenge, Alberta SPCA staff always chooses another charity to support at Christmas time. This year we collected a tidy amount of personal items for people dealing with poverty in the Edmonton area.
Day 18 - Reflection
Hopefully the Kindness Challenge brought a sense of pride and accomplishment for all who participated. For Louis, his reward was a tasty treat. Job well done Louis!