Prolific mask maker delivers cheque to the Alberta SPCA

March 16, 2021 update:
Jean reached the milestone of $20,000 raised for our organization when Those Guys Garage bought a large surplus supply of Jean’s masks. The moment came nearly a year after Jean first started making her masks as a way to pass the time during the pandemic. Her initiative to keep busy took off and not only supplied Albertans with creative, fun masks, but also gave us all a reason to smile during a time when we all needed that. Way to go Jean!
October 14, 2020
Jean Henderson, along with her husband Doug and daughter Barb, presented the Alberta SPCA with a cheque for $17,146 today. Jean has been making masks to help protect Albertans from COVID-19 since the early days of the pandemic; pledging to donate all proceeds to the Alberta SPCA. Jean has made more than 3,800 masks in her own home since March and today she presented the proceeds from her efforts to Alberta SPCA Executive Director, Terra Johnston.
“To say that we’re grateful is an understatement,” said Alberta SPCA Executive Director Terra Johnston. “This money will go directly to animals. It’ll go directly to support the efforts of our Peace Officers, of our educators, and of our social workers who provide programs in support of people and animals.”
Jean started making the masks to help ensure Barb had protection from the virus as Barb is recovering from cancer. Soon after, word got out about Jean’s masks as well as her plan to donate the proceeds to the Alberta SPCA, and that’s when the orders started pouring in. Jean has used five different sewing machines to make over 3,800 masks, filling orders for just a few to corporate requests for several hundred at a time.

“It’s overwhelming. I didn’t ever expect it to get to that amount,” said Jean Henderson. “When I started I thought, oh maybe we’ll make a few hundred dollars. But it’s what the money is going to do that makes you feel so good.”
Each mask took about 25 minutes to make which means Jean has spent about 1,600 hours at her sewing machines over the past eight months. She wouldn’t have it any other way.

“We can’t do anything else,” added Henderson. “I love volunteering. I love putting my time into something and everything’s been cancelled this summer. So my time is free. Everything’s been donated so all I’m really donating is my time, and hopefully my talents, and I love doing this.”
While the orders for masks have slowed down this fall, Jean and her family continue to make them for those who need a colourful addition to their mask collection. Orders can be placed by emailing Jean at