When humans are in crisis. Animals are in crisis. Animal welfare is directly linked to human welfare. When a life crisis affects a pet owner, their companion animal is likely to feel the effects too. Extending compassion to both humans and animals is integral in ensuring that all members of the family stay safe in times of crisis.
One Family Welfare News
Stories Of Hope
OFW Podcat Episodes
Past clients share their courageous stories to help others who may need to use our programs and services.

Allowing Pets in Seniors Housing
When pets are allowed in seniors housing, it helps older adults stay healthy and it provides homes for many animals.

The Violence Link
How we help people & pets in crisis by offering temporary care for animals
The Alberta SPCA respects the deep foundational connection Indigenous Peoples have had to animals and this land, now known as Alberta, for thousands of years. We are grateful to continue to work towards the humane treatment of all animals in all areas of the province on the traditional territories encompassed by Treaties 6, 7, 8, 4, & 10 and the Métis Homeland.
We are inspired by how many Indigenous Peoples recognize that animals, people and the environment are interconnected and respecting these relationships is fundamental to the well-being of all living things and the earth that we share. As treaty people, we also strive to listen, respect, care for, and live in harmony with one another, animals and the natural world.