Jamie Ann Palmer pleaded guilty in Provincial Court to causing horses to be in distress under the Animal Protection Act 2(1). Alberta SPCA Peace Officers attended a property in Northeastern Alberta in February 2022. On the property, Peace Officers found the remains of several horses. Ms. Palmer was charged with causing animals to be in distress, failing to provide adequate food and water and failing to provide veterinary care for an animal that is sick or wounded. Ms. Palmer was sentenced on June 21, 2022 to a two-year common law peace bond of $1,100 dollars. As part of the peace bond, Ms. Palmer must notify the Alberta SPCA of the location of any horses in her care, as well as any intention to buy or sell horses. Ms. Palmer must also cooperate with any animal safety compliance checks requested by Alberta SPCA Peace Officers.
The Peace Bond expires on June 21, 2024.