When you call our Animal Distress Line – 1-800-455-9003 – we are opening up a file similar to a police investigation. In order to do so, we need timely, first-hand details to proceed. When calling, we will ask for the following:
- Date & time of incident,
- Address of the alleged offence and directions on how to get there if it’s a rural location,
- Details of what you saw (we can’t accept hearsay, second-hand information or social media posts),
- Photos, if you had the chance to take any,
- If the offense involved a vehicle, the license plate number, make, model & colour,
- Description of the animal’s owner.

Can I Report an Incident via Email or Social Media?
We cannot open files based on emails and social media posts. Our Peace Officers must have reasonable and probable grounds in order to go on to private property to investigate and social media posts do not provide that. If you email or message our office, you should expect a follow up phone call in order for our Animal Protection staff to ask further questions about the incident you are reporting.
What Other Information Do We Need When You Call?
- What kind of animals – cows, chickens, horses, cats, dogs, etc.,
- The approximate or exact number of each type of animal – for example, if you’re calling about a herd of cattle, how many is our officer looking out for,
- The description of the animal – for example the size, what type or breed it is, and its colouring,
- The exact address or location of the animal(s), starting with the closest city or town, the town address, or if it’s rural the blue sign emergency address. If that is not posted, then clear driving directions including range roads or township roads,
- Details of the concern – body condition of the animal(s), the environment in which the animal is in, as well as food, water, shelter availability; the reason why you are calling,
- Is this animal a stray, if so, Alberta SPCA Officers do not pick up stray animals of any kind. Stray cats and dogs fall under the jurisdiction of local bylaws. If your area does not have a cat or dog bylaw, the issue is still not Alberta SPCA responsibility. Our Officers deal only with owned animals in distress,
- Loose livestock issues are governed by Livestock Identification Services (brand inspectors).

Our Peace Officers travel hundreds of thousands of kilometers each year investigating complaints. If the animal is in dire condition, we will make it a priority to get to the location quickly. Otherwise, it may be a couple of days before we arrive, especially if it is a remote location.