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Animal Protection Line


Animal Care


Wildlife Organizations

While the Alberta SPCA helps domestic animals and wildlife kept in captivity, we want to ensure all animals are treated humanely in our province. In order to help wildlife in distress, we’ve compiled some helpful information and contact details below.

Injured Wildlife

Unless a wild animal is in immediate danger, it is usually best to leave it alone. To get specific information, check the list below for the wildlife rehabilitation centre nearest you. For more information about dealing with injured wildlife, contact Alberta Fish and Wildlife.

Young Wildlife

That baby jackrabbit or fawn may not be orphaned, so it’s usually best to leave the animal where it is. Mother deer and hares often leave their young on their own, so their scent doesn’t attract predators. If the young animal appears sick or injured, or if it is in an unsafe location, ask someone at a wildlife rehabilitation centre what to do.

Animal Protection Line