
Animal Protection Line


Animal Care


Cats & Birds

Keep Cats Safe and Save Bird Lives is a coalition of individuals and organizations concerned about the well being of cats and birds. We believe all creatures are important, and as humans we owe both cats and birds protection. Keep Cats Safe and Save Bird Lives is led by Nature Canada, the oldest national nature conservation charity in the county. The coalition includes national partners Bird Studies Canada, Earth Rangers, and the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, as well as an ever-growing list of regional and local partners.

KEEP CATS SAFE: There are roughly 9.3 million pet cats in Canada, and almost a third of those spend time outdoors unsupervised. But outdoors can be a very dangerous place! Risks include: diseases, cars, fights with other animals, parasites, poisoning and getting lost.

SAVE BIRD LIVES: Another good reason to keep your cat from roaming freely is the risk to birds and wildlife. More than 115 bird species are considered vulnerable to cats because they nest or feed near the ground; these include species at risk such as Barn Swallows and Wood Thrushes. Birds provide vital services such as reducing insect pests and regenerating forests through dispersing seeds.


Pet cats hunt for stimulation, and there are lots of alternative ways to meet that need. Safe outdoor options include: catios (patios for cats); cat fencing; cat enclosures, cat walks and tents or harness-walking. Indoor cats get stimulation from scratching posts, puzzles & feeding toys; get your cat a window perch for non-stop entertainment. Spend 10-15 minutes twice a day playing with and petting your cat.

Keeping Birds Safe at Your Feeder

The Canadian Wildlife Health Co-operative has published a report, “Strategies to Prevent and Control Birdfeeder Associated Diseases and Threats.” Diseases and other birdfeeder associated threats generate a lot of public concern, so the CWHC released this report to ensure the availability of accurate information on how to reduce the risks.

Feeding of wildlife is generally discouraged as part of the overall effort to reduce human-wildlife contact, conflicts, and disease transmission. But bird feeding is considered an exception to that rule, partly due to the fact birds don’t become dependent on feeders. (Instead, birds tend to incorporate them into a ‘route’ that combines feeders and natural sources.) The removal of any particular feeder along their route thus doesn’t have the same impact as it might with wildlife who become dependent on a particular food source.

Even so, as the popularity of bird-feeding increases, with millions of households providing huge quantities of supplementary food to wild birds, it has become increasingly important to ensure that people are aware of best-practices to reduce the potential harm of their bird feeders, primarily from diseases and predators.


  1. Avoid the unintended consequences of feeding that result from predation or trauma.
  2. Birdfeeders need to keep an eye on the birds at their feeders and be able to recognize signs of disease to ensure prompt implementation of disease control strategies.
  3. Create circumstances that lead to reduced contact between uninfected and infected birds and/or contaminated environments.
  4. Promote management of bird friendly habitats to avoid the need for supplemental feed to attract or nourish birds.
  5. Ensure proper feeding techniques and hygienic feeding practices.

Best Practices


  • Bird feeders should not be further than 3.5 meters from cover that provides a route of escape and protection to avoid predation.
  • There should be an unobstructed view around birdfeeders so that foraging birds can detect any predators in the area.
  • Cover that could conceal predators attempting to mount an attack should not be near feeders.
  • Feeders at lower levels should be surrounded by brush or fencing to preclude predator access.
  • Birdfeeders should be placed less than one metre or more than 10 metres away from buildings to minimize the risk of window collisions.

Food and Feeder Selection and Maintenance

  • Use the right feeders the right way. 
  • Good bird feeders are made from plastic, steel or glass (because they’re easier to clean than wood or clay). 
  • Small feeders are best because they don’t allow large numbers of birds to congregate, reducing contact rates, and they empty quickly, which prevents seeds from getting wet or spoiled. 
  • Feeders should have drainage holes to prevent water accumulating, and they should not have sharp points or edges that may cause injury. 
  • Feeders should be covered to prevent seed from getting wet, and they should allow birds to perch away from the food to prevent fecal contamination. (That latter is also why simply spreading food on the ground is not a good idea.) 
  • Always wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly after cleaning your feeders.

Animal Protection Line