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Animal Protection Line


Postal Disruption has Significant Impact on Fundraising Activities


The Alberta SPCA relies heavily on donations from Albertans, especially at this time of year.

The annual Holiday Wish Campaign is one of the most important fundraising appeals, raising critical funds for animal care. This is a mail campaign, and unfortunately the postal disruption comes just as the appeal was set to arrive in 45,000 mailboxes across Alberta.

“We know Albertans will want to continue to support us as we work to save animals across the province, especially as the weather turns colder,” said Leanne Niblock, Alberta SPCA Executive Director.

“Our organization is already facing unprecedented pressure in 2024, with animal care costs more than doubling compared to last year,” added Niblock.

There are several ways donors can support the Alberta SPCA’s work on behalf of Alberta’s animals during the labour dispute, including making donations online or by calling the organization directly. Albertans can also purchase tickets for the Christmas Cash Lottery & 50/50 at

Online Donations: Making donations on the Alberta SPCA website is easy and secure. A special page has been set up for the Holiday Wish Campaign.

Phone: To make a donation, call 780-732-3746 between 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. weekdays.

Christmas Cash Lottery & 50/50 Tickets: Cash Lottery & 50/50 tickets are available at on our lottery page. Lottery tickets can also be ordered by phone at 1-888-802-0780. Tickets will be emailed to buyers.

The Alberta SPCA is grateful for the ongoing support of Albertans!

Picture of Dan Kobe

Dan Kobe

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