Animal Heroes Lottery


Animal Protection Line


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We are here to help!

Before sending a message, please see if we may have already answered your question.

You can find a great pet through a sheltering organization. Some groups like the Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS) or Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS) temporarily house dogs and cats in foster homes. In addition, most municipally based humane societies and SPCAs operate an animal shelter. Check our SPCAs & Shelters page to find the one nearest you.

If you discover your pet missing, immediately search the neighbourhood. You should also contact your municipal or county Animal Service or Bylaw department, and visit the Pound in person at least every two days. You should also contact the veterinarians in your area, and if possible leave a poster with the animal’s photo and your phone number.

In Edmonton, call Edmonton Animal Services at 780-496-8860 or check the City of Edmonton’s website for a list of things you should do and pictures of recovered pets.

In Calgary, call Calgary Animal Services at 403-268-1160 or check their Impounded Animals pages for pictures.  For impounded dogs, click here.  For impounded cats, click here.

In Red Deer, call Alberta Animal Services at 403-347-2388 or visit their website.

Anywhere else, call your town or county hall and ask for the Animal Services or Bylaw department. You may want to post a notice on the internet. Two services that include Canada are PetLynx and Petfinder.

The best place for your dog on a hot day is at home, either inside where it is cool (such as the basement) or in a yard with access to shade and water. However, if you must take your dog with you, never leave it alone in the car. If you have to leave your dog in the vehicle, ensure someone stays with the animals and that the air conditioner is turned on.

Visit our Pet Care section under Welfare & Care for helpful tips, information and additional resources on how to provide the best care for your pet. 

Establishing and enforcing regulations for licensing, leashing, and controlling noise of pets is the responsibility of the municipality or county.

In Edmonton, call the Edmonton Animal Care & Control Centre by calling the City’s 311 line, or check the City of Edmonton’s website for a list of things you should do.

In Calgary, call Calgary Animal Services at 403-268-2489 or visit their website for tips.

In Red Deer, call Alberta Animal Services at 403-347-2388 or visit their website for more information.

In Lethbridge, call Community Animal Services 403-320-4099 or visit their website for more information.

Anywhere else, call your town or county hall and ask for the Animal Services or bylaw department.

Unless a wild animal is in immediate danger, it is usually best to leave it alone. To get specific information, call the Wildlife Help Line at 1-888-924-2444 or check with the wildlife rehabilitation centre nearest you.

It may not be orphaned, so it’s usually best to leave a young jack rabbit or fawn where it is. Mother deer and hares often leave their young on their own, so their scent doesn’t attract predators. If the young animal appears sick or injured, or is in an unsafe location, check here for more information, call the Wildlife Help Line at 1-888-924-2444 or check with the wildlife rehabilitation centre nearest you.

The Alberta SPCA is not affiliated with any SPCAs or humane societies within or outside of Alberta. Organizations that are designated as “Canadian” sometimes conduct fundraising campaigns in Alberta, but donations given to them do not support the Alberta SPCA. For example, the Canadian SPCA is a Quebec organization and donations made to them are used for their programs in Quebec.

Our Donor Relations Department is here to help. You can email your new information to, or call us at 780-447-3600 ext. 3746. If you get voicemail, please leave the new details in message. We’ll call or email to confirm your information has been updated.

Still have a Question? Let's Talk!

Head Office

For all other inquiries, you can send an email, write or call us:

Mailing address:

Alberta SPCA
17904 118 Ave NW
Edmonton, Ab
T5S 2W3


Tel: 780-447-3600
Fax: 780-447-4748

Report an Animal in Distress

Animal Protection Line: 1-800-455-9003

One Family Welfare

For people and pets in crisis

Crisis Line: 780-447-3600 ext. 3750

Fax: 780-455-5990


Donor Relations

Donations, tax receipts. memberships & address changes 780-447-3600 ext. 3746

Alberta SPCA Cash Lotteries & 50/50s

1-888-802-0780 (toll free) or 780-488-CASH (2274)

Humane Education

780.447.3600 ext. 3749 (website for teachers)

Communications & Media Relations

Dan Kobe, Director of Communications

Alberta SPCA News

50/50 Raffle
Dan Kobe

Animal Heroes Lottery

Alberta SPCA Launches New Cash Lottery & 50/50 Raffle The Animal Heroes Lottery acknowledges the role our supporters play in saving animals, including with the

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Alberta LiveStock
Dan Kobe

Animal & Farmer Well-Being

Collaboration between the Alberta SPCA and University of Alberta to address farmer and animal well-being. Project aims to create assessment tools, provide resources, and deliver

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Animal Protection Line